Don’t be so quick to dismiss pain from your life. God uses pain to push us to humble ourselves at his feet. Look at Hannah she was barren and could not have children, that pain pushed her to keep praying and made her promise God that if he gave her a child that she would dedicate the child to him for the work of the Lord. Pain will push us to the feet of Jesus, much faster than blessings. For the last several weeks I have started getting these debilitating headaches. They are unbearable to where I can barely function. I have been to the Dr and I know that all my levels are good and everything is fine. There is nothing physically wrong with me. I asked God why do I keep getting these headaches? He said, My Child, you asked me for several years to always keep you humble at my feet. When I want you to get in my presence more and to stop doing things in your own strength, I will humble you. Pain will bring you closer to me then my blessings ever will. I put you in the fire of affliction but just as the I was in the fire with the 3 Hebrew boys, so am I with you.
Wow! To know that God loves us enough to do whatever it takes to keep us humble at his feet is priceless. It is not Jesus that walks away from us, we are the ones that walk away from him by doing things in our own strength which in turn means that we think we know better than God and have purposefully walked out of His Will and stepped into our own.
A lot of times the reason he draws us by affliction is because he is wanting us to take our place in the spirit on the battlefield. To stand in the gap and intercede on someone’s behalf. Jesus is the great intercessor but when he lives within us the Spirit will pray through us and intercede, because we do not know what to pray for, but the Spirit does. There is a spiritual battle going on that many cannot see, but those who have eyes to see will see what is coming before it comes. Your business, your ministry, your social media, your life. Is not about you, it is about what God can do through you, we must decrease, and HE must INCREASE!! Take yourself off of the throne, stop playing God and let HIM take HIS rightful place!! Repent- Turn away from doing it your way, seeing things your way and return to God’s way…. He’s waiting for you, Selah.